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Catholic Kings Swords

Reyes Católicos sword, rustic
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Catholic Kings Swords

Reyes Católicos sword, rustic

Discover the majesty of the Sword of the Catholic Monarchs, a unique piece that will transport you to medieval times. Its aged steel blade and its rustic engraved handle give it an authentic appearance and full of history. One of the most prominent features of this sword is the well-known phrase "Tanto monta - monta tanto", engraved on the guard. This...
Catholic Kings Swords

Sword of the Catholic Monarchs

Discover the majesty of the Sword of the Catholic Monarchs, a unique piece that will transport you to medieval times. Its stainless steel blade guarantees exceptional durability, while its engraved silver handle gives it an elegant and distinctive look. One of the most prominent features of this sword is the famous phrase "Tanto monta - monta tanto",...
Catholic Kings Swords

Sword of the Catholic Monarchs (limited)

The Sword of the Catholic Monarchs (limited) is a unique piece that represents one of the most important moments in the History of Spain. This sword is the same one that the Kings Fernando and Isabel used to knight Christopher Columbus, after his first trip to America. Imagine having in your hands the same object that was used in the throne room of the...
Catholic Kings Swords

Greatsword of the Catholic Monarchs in Gold

Discover the Mandoble of the Catholic Monarchs in Gold, one of the most spectacular swords in the History of Spain. This legendary weapon was used by the Kings Ferdinand and Isabel to knight Christopher Columbus, after his first trip to America. Imagine having in your hands the same sword that was used in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace of Barcelona...
Catholic Kings Swords

Mandoble of the Catholic Monarchs in Silver

Mandoble of the Catholic Monarchs in Silver The Mandoble de los Reyes Católicos in Silver is an authentic historical jewel that cannot be missing in the collection of every lover of the history of Spain. With a silver finish that gives it an elegant and distinguished look, this sword is one of the most spectacular in the history of our country. This sword...
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The Sword of the Catholic Monarchs: Treasure of the Royal Armory

In the Royal Armory, shines a historical jewel that evokes the greatness of the Spanish monarchy: the two-handed sword of the Catholic Monarchs. This magnificent treasure, with its hexagonal knob and gold details, is much more than a piece of metal. It is a symbol of power, justice and legacy that has endured through the centuries.

The pommel of this sword is engraved with circles and crescents, but its meaning goes beyond ornamentation. In it, you can see the emblems of Isabel and Ferdinand: the arrows and the yoke respectively. In the arriaz, we find the mottos "Tanto monta" and the Marian invocation "O mother of God, remember me." These details make this sword a unique and priceless object.

A Royal and Ceremonial Legacy

This sword, which was inherited by Charles V from his grandparents, was used in ceremonies of great importance. It represented the supremacy of the monarch's justice and was used in the investiture of knights or in the oaths of princes. The Count of Oropesa had the privilege of wearing it at such events, underlining its importance at the royal court.

The Catholic Monarchs brandished it with pride at the triumphal entrances to the cities, with the tip held high, thus symbolizing royal power before the people. This sword not only evokes the greatness of his reign, but also transports us to a time when the Spanish monarchy reached its maximum splendor.

A Treasure in the Royal Armory

Today, this unique piece is part of Spanish historical heritage and is exhibited in the Royal Armory, surrounded by armor and equipment of kings and nobles. Its presence immerses us in medieval times, when knights and monarchs brandished steel like this in defense of their kingdoms.

Experts have carefully studied its origins and meaning, which allows us to better understand the Catholic Monarchs through this emblematic sword. 500 years have passed since its creation, but the sword of the Catholic Monarchs continues to fascinate and inspire us with its history and legacy.

A Treasure That Lasts Over Time

This sword is a living legacy of the greatness of Spain under the reign of Isabella and Ferdinand. It has been a silent witness to crucial ceremonies and events throughout the centuries. Today, we can admire it and evoke the medieval era it represents, remembering the power and influence of the Catholic Monarchs.

Curious Questions about the Sword of the Catholic Monarchs

Who owned the sword of the Catholic Monarchs?
The two-handed sword belonged to the Catholic Monarchs, Isabel and Ferdinand.

What did the sword symbolize in royal ceremonies?
The sword represented the supremacy of the monarch's justice and was used in ceremonies of investiture of knights and swearing in of princes.

Who had the privilege of carrying the sword in ceremonial acts?
The Count of Oropesa had the privilege of carrying the sword in ceremonial acts.

Where is the sword of the Catholic Monarchs currently located?
The sword is in the Royal Armory, surrounded by armor and equipment of kings and nobles.

What ornamental details does the sword have?
The pommel of the sword is engraved with circles and crescents, as well as the emblems of Isabella and Ferdinand, the arrows and the yoke. In the arriaz are the mottos "So much mounts" and the Marian invocation "O mother of God, remember me."

How long has the sword of the Catholic Monarchs lasted?
The sword has endured 500 years to this day as a legacy of the greatness of Spain under the reign of Isabella and Ferdinand.

What does the sword of the Catholic Monarchs symbolize in the history of Spain?
The sword symbolizes royalty, justice and the power of the Spanish monarchy in a time of splendor.

Discover the sword of the Catholic Monarchs, a treasure from the past that will endure in the future as a symbol of the royalty and greatness of Spain.